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47 грн

Product Code: 310949-18

LED Driver 3-7W input 175-265V ElectroHouse

LED driver EH-DRV-3W6 od kompanії ElectroHouse priznacheny for zhivlennya rіznih svіtlodіodnih pristroїv od MEREZHI zmіnnogo Strum. Before Demba mozhut Buti pіdklyuchenі LED panelі, rіznі svіtlodіodnі osvіtlyuvalnі priladit, svіtlodіodna strіchka that INSHI pristroї scho vimagayut zhivlennya fіksovanim Strum. Svіtlodіodny driver EH-DRV-3W6 stabіlіzuє Strum scho protіkaє through lantsyug svіtlodіodіv scho dozvolyaє LED Pristrom propratsyuvati garantovany & nbsp; virobnikom hour. Krіm visokoї stabіlnostі vihіdnogo Strum, Tsey pristrіy Zahist Got od short zamikannya i perevantazhennya. So needless vіdrіznyaєtsya kompaktnіstyu i slim vagoyu. Yogo mozhna vikoristovuvati of vіdpovіdnim pristroєm in komplektatsіyu yakogo not included unit zhivlennya, abo Well in zamіn viyshovshogo of harmony analogіchnogo LED driver.

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The online store StroyMarketPlus.com will help you to profitably buy products of the category: Electrics , Sensors , LED Driver 3-7W input 175-265V ElectroHouse, at the lowest price in Kharkov, Kiev, Dnipro, Lviv, Odessa, Zaporozhye, Poltava, Sumy, Nikolaev, Kherson, Chernihiv, Vinnitsa, Ternopol, Ivano-Frankivsk with delivery all over Ukraine. We are the official dealers of the manufacturer ElectroHouse.